Sunday, August 16, 2009

Health Care - Reform

Health care reform seems to be a big topic these days. It is very divisive and raising a lot of blood pressure. For the record let me express my opinion. I have not read the existing bill but there are two fundamental problems with it that makes me opposed!

1. Our national debt and economy. For some reason our leaders in Washington believe we can continue to go into debt and it will be OK. Because this bill, introduces a trillion dollars in new debt, I consider it living beyond our means. We should not continue to go into debt for a new health care program. Bush has put us in a very bad financial position, but like it or not our financial situation is now Obama's problem.

2. Governments job is to set laws and be the referee it is not good to allow the referee to own one of the teams. No other teams will get a fair shake. Why can't we have a regulated system that does not include allowing the Federal Government a large stake in private enterprise.

Do not assume I believe health care is what it should be. The latest numbers show that health care is about 16% of our gross domestic product and it seems to be increasing at a faster rate than the growth of our economy. Does something need to be done? Yes there is no question about it, something needs to be done.

Washington needs to, through regulation, change the rules and allow the free market to handle it. Here are some thoughts that I have read or thought of.

1. Tort Reform, If a patient sues a doctor without a good cause and it is thrown out of the courts, the patient should be charged a significant fee to offset the damage to the doctors insurance premium as well as clogging our judicial system.

2. Allow nurses and physicians assistants to open their own clinics. Most doctors visits are sore throats, flu or broken bones. There is no reason to pay expensive doctor fees when a less expensive qualified individual could care for us.

3. Increase, by law, the number of students that are able to go through medical school and potentially become medical practitioners. Lets increase the number of doctors to put downward pressure on the price of the medical care.

4. Lets regulate the insurance companies to encourage a public option of private insurance.

My last point is this. Why do I feel like we are so pressured into getting this new program into place. It seems we are trying to run before we can walk.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Beer Summit

I was surprised when the president recently responded to questions regarding a local issue between a black home owner and a white cop. He could have taken the opportunity to bring the two parties (whites and blacks) together, but instead he fell to a more divisive response. As it turned out he made comments without any investigation into the situation. It makes me wonder what other national conclusions are jumped to without good investigation. Why didn't he just let the problem be handled locally? Once his statements were made he started receiving criticism in the media for speculating on the situation without having the facts and others questioned why he even commented on the issue at all. But what kills me even more, is after he opened the door, he decides to have these guys over for a beer. He didn't send the two parties out to dinner to work out their differences, he didn't just bow out and let it pass, he had them over for a beer. Again, do we not have better things to do! An all American beer? "Were just a couple of guys having a beer" I am sure the evening ended with singing Kumbaya and hand holding. The situation is now in the rear view mirror and bigger fish like health care are out there to tackle. I only write this quick blog post as a footnote. Is there something else we can learn from this situation?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Run Down

This Blog is a place where I can write out and evaluate my political and financial thoughts. Knowing that my views and perspectives are the sum of my predispositions, life's experiences, and environment, I make this blog public. I hope alternative perspectives may be added allowing me to forge stronger less biased conclusions. In the infancy years of our country many average citizens would get together and discuss politics. I intend this place to be similar. No personal attacks will be tolerated and all viewpoints are accepted.

As I start what I think may be a journey, let me outline some of my fundamental beliefs (No particular order)

1. I believe all rights we have are God given directly to the individual. The only rights Washington and State government have are the rights we give them through our elected officials. If our elected officials misrepresent us and allow government more power than "we the people" want, it is our responsibility to find and elect representatives that better represent our beliefs.

2. I believe the borrower is slave to the lender.

3. I believe in the right to benefit from my own labors.

4. I believe charity is a moral obligation not a government responsibility.

5. I believe if we intentionally exploit others to make a profit we are no better than a thieving slave owner.

6. I believe that a person should be free to do whatever they would like to do so long as their behavior does not infringe on the freedom of others.

7. I believe that the environment, and all life are more interconnected than our founding fathers understood (Rain Forests, Reefs, Endangered Species...). Because of this citizens should allow government more authority than our founding fathers had intended to help protect and regulate these resources from private exploitation.

8. I believe in personal responsibility. If I create a problem I am the one who responsible for my actions.