Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Beer Summit

I was surprised when the president recently responded to questions regarding a local issue between a black home owner and a white cop. He could have taken the opportunity to bring the two parties (whites and blacks) together, but instead he fell to a more divisive response. As it turned out he made comments without any investigation into the situation. It makes me wonder what other national conclusions are jumped to without good investigation. Why didn't he just let the problem be handled locally? Once his statements were made he started receiving criticism in the media for speculating on the situation without having the facts and others questioned why he even commented on the issue at all. But what kills me even more, is after he opened the door, he decides to have these guys over for a beer. He didn't send the two parties out to dinner to work out their differences, he didn't just bow out and let it pass, he had them over for a beer. Again, do we not have better things to do! An all American beer? "Were just a couple of guys having a beer" I am sure the evening ended with singing Kumbaya and hand holding. The situation is now in the rear view mirror and bigger fish like health care are out there to tackle. I only write this quick blog post as a footnote. Is there something else we can learn from this situation?

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